June 17th, 2014 // Bray, Ireland


Bray is a little coastal town only about half an hour outside of Dublin. The train ride was beautiful in and of itself as the tracks rode right near the water along the cliffs by the sea. The company I work for has a new client that is residing in Bray, so my boss tasked me with having to go out and take some beautiful shots of the city. Oh darn. I hate that.
I am really enjoying my job, I'm working with two wonderful designers and I get to drink lots of tea. The sun has been out for the past couple of days here, which is odd. It's been lovely. Yesterday my boss let me go early because the sun was out. Only in Ireland do you get off work early to enjoy the sun. I wasn't the only one though, everyone just races out of the office on beautiful days.
I'm not really sure if the images I'll post relating to Bray even cover the beauty, or the way it made me feel. It was so peaceful, and relatively quiet when I got there. People were out on the green space or by the ocean, but there was this air of calm. I give that credit to the fog that was rolling in. It was coming straight off the ocean, and it covered the tips of the mountains near by and it was beautiful. I walked along the beach, which is mostly stones in Ireland, I've noticed. They're all so smooth. There was a cliff walk nearby, so I made my way down the strip of shops and the ocean to where the mountain covered in fog was. I made it half way up the starting incline when I turned around to take a look at the city. I could hear a train going by, it took me a second or so to locate the moving train among the amount of houses. When I finally spotted it, it felt like I was in Howl's Moving Castle, when Sophie is just walking around her town and the train goes by. It felt like I was back in Toyko. It was so filling. I'm not sure how to describe the amount of peace I felt or the happiness that it brought. Trains to me fill me with the feeling of infinite possibilities. I probably grinned like an idiot as I watched the train disappear behind buildings and then finally turned to continue my trek onwards. I made it to a nice little overlook, and as it was about lunch time I decided to stop there and eat on the grass. I was looking straight out over the ocean and I could see the town just to my left. It was just peaceful. Every stress and problem or worry was gone during this trip, it was just so calming.

Lunch consisted of a peanut butter sandwich (I go through an obscene amount of peanut butter here. It’s a little ridiculous), a peach, diet coke and a couple of biscuits. I had my music playing, just lightly in the background. It was simply put it, a lovely afternoon. After I finished my food I started on my trek. (I probably should have thought ahead as I was wearing a dress and sandals instead of pants and hiking shoes). However I went onward. The first place I stumbled upon essentially turned me into a four year old, which lets be honest, happens every time I get over excited. I found these little stairs and then a grassy plain with a beaten path. No one was around so I climbed upward. It wasn’t long before on the top of the hill a ruined building appeared. 

Fog was still rolling in around the trees and through the tall grass and it made me giddy. I was really in love with this fog. I made my way to the building and just over the hill was this beautiful landscape. A mountain and flowers and grass and fog touched each bit just slightly. It was stunning, so naturally: I ran around the field like a child with a ridiculous grin as I galloped through the flowers. No joke. No one was around, I could pretend I just found an entrance to Middle Earth. 

After what was not long enough, I figured I should continue back on my trek through the cliff walk. I made my way onward and what I found next was almost even better.
It was a tunnel. Through a mountain.

If you haven’t already guessed, I really like trains. I stood there in shock at the unreal beauty of this place and a train came through. I may have squealed. Just a little. The stone path I was on was snaked around the mountain and ivy was growing all up the side of it. I found paradise.

I continued until I was about halfway through the walk before I figured I should head back. The fog was thickening at this point and it was getting late so I wouldn’t make it back to work on time. I kept looking back, as if it would change or disappear. I made it to the beach and got some ice cream, there were only about ten shops in a row. My self control only lasted past the first three. I sat on the beach and enjoyed my ice cream. I ended up making my way back to the train station right as the fog cleared so I went back out to the beach, enjoyed a coffee and took some shots of the town in the sunlight. (I got an insanely awful tan line from this outing)

It was just after four thirty when I got back on the train to go back into Dublin. My feet were hurting, but it was totally worth it. It was a stunning place.
This building wasn't actually creepy. It was quite beautiful 
(Side note: I am going to be posting my adventures all out of order. It just works better for me this way, I get frustrated at my lack of blog posting otherwise. So! As soon as all my Ireland adventures are up, at the bottom of each post I’ll have a link to my next adventure in sequential order. Until then, enjoy the jumbled mess of my life.)

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