Goodbye Hair


I thought I would write a blog as to why I decided to cut all my hair off. If you guys are interested, read on. If not, enjoy the pictures (:

I've always had nice hair, it was the one thing I remember being complimented on from when I was young to now. It was my fall back, I loved my hair. However I wasn't against short hair, I've wanted a short hair cut probably since middle school, though when my friend was going to cut her hair in eighth grade I spent the entire day following her around, holding onto her pony tail begging her not to cut it. So maybe I wasn't sold, I just figured in an alternate universe I'd have short hair but I wouldn't cut mine until something big happened. A huge change in my life, when I was mentally ready for it. Well- that came, and I was not mentally ready for it at first haha.

So, over the past few months I started to notice things, the first being that my hair wasn't growing very much. I'd let it grow, it would become scraggly and get to a certain length, I'd have to get a trim and it would go back to where it started. It literally got no where. I started googling things that help hair grow, (flipping your head upside for two minutes was an example.) And I did it.
The next thing I noticed was the amount of hair that fell out. I went back to my trusty google search and found out that people lost 200 pieces of hair a day. That's a lot! So- I was losing that much and I suddenly was just realizing this. Like when you notice a certian car and then you suddenly see it everywhere, I figure it was the same thing with me and my hair. My bathroom floor and room would be covered in it, as gross as that is. I would pull out clumps in the shower, have to wash my towels after every other shower because there would be hair in it. After the shower, I would put mouse in my hair and for the next few hours while it dried I'd run my hand through my hair and pull out hair and throw it away. I thought this was normal.

Several other comments had been made, about my hair not growing or how thin my hair actually was. My hair never looks thin, thanks to the curls. But I don't have particularly thick hair. Now, all of these things were noticed at different times and never put together until I went home a few weeks ago and my mom noticed the amount of hair in the shower drain and she nearly had a heart attack.

My hair was thin- she noticed it. I noticed it. It wasn't noticeable to a lot of other people, but it was blatantly obvious to me and her. We finally did some more research.

Turns out, diabetes makes your hair fall out. Who knew. What happens is once you get on insulin, your hormones are going crazy and a third of your hair just doesn't grow for two or three months. Then, when your hair starts to grow again. That third that didn't grow just falls out because it's now being replaced. So you hair just comes out in chunks and thins out.

After a minor break down and lots of talking with my mom, I decided that I would cut my hair off in two weeks. I've always wanted a short hair cut, and at the point my hair would have to be cut right above my shoulders for it to look full again, so why not go all the way?
Needless to say, I was stoked. For about 24 hours before the freak out came in which went something like this:

Yeah! Yeah! This'll be awesome! I can do it....I- I can do it. Mhmm, -shakes head- My hair won't fall over my shoulders, I won't be able to braid it, if I'm having a bad hair day I can't stick it into a ponytail- I like my hair. It'll get full again, I don't need to cut it. Can I cut it? XD This went on for about a week and I was actually stressed about cutting my hair.
But then one day I was just okay with it. Just- was fine, was find for the remaining week and got excited when I showed up to get my hair cut last Tuesday.

I went from this:

To this: (this shoot didn't have a lot of great photos. It didn't last long as I got attacked by several swarms of different bugs.) Those bugs were out to get me. I swear it.

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