Things I've Learned

I've officially had diabetes for a week and three days! So, ten days total. Woo! And the things I've learned....
This post is purely diabetes related. I need to update on my photography. Maybe later today or tomorrow I'll do a post about updated photos and such. (:

But for this post, Diabetes only! Here are a few things that I've encountered and learned from:

1. Low fat does not mean less carbs, actually, most of the time it's more carbs. So when you go to Starbucks, just get regular whip. It's not as many carbs as low fat whip.
2. When my blood sugar is low I can have an apple juice, or crackers to bring it up. Not both. (opps)
3. Just because it's low fat fro yo, does not mean you can have three bowls and expect your blood sugar /not/ to spike to the 300's.
4. Coffee has no carbs! THANK THE GODS! It's the creamer. Watch out for the creamer *imagine that said in a spooky voice* Sugar free has less carbs than low fat.
5. When you're dehydrated for three plus months, keep in mind you'll gain some water weight back. You do not look swollen to anyone but yourself. No matter how many times you look at your calfs and swear they were never that big.
6. Dwelling on the fact you can't just indulge yourself in an entire package of oreos will make you cry.
7. You can eat what you want, just remember to take insulin to counteract it. Don't secretly snack and hope your blood sugar won't spike. (Took me most of the week to figure that one out, despite how obvious.)
8. Pancreas jokes will follow you around for the rest of your life. Just accept it. Although, you can always get the play the pity card by telling everyone you have a dying pancreas.
9. I can not take normal medicine. I have to find sugar free diabetes medicine. I can also not take anything that will make me drowsy (benedryl, nyquil <- the world is going to end for me.) Because if I fall asleep and get low, I won't wake up to eat sugar.
10. These are becoming harder to think about, but they shouldn't. There are plenty, I know it.
11. Cheese and meats have almost zero carbohydrates, which is really exciting. Sirloin steak and a whole bunch of french fries meets my 75g of carbs per meal diet!
12. I hate this number
13. I'm still on the look out for crunchy munchies I can pig out on.
14. My hair has red streaks in it!
15. Umm, umm, umm, I've been on a mission to find free diabetes supplies. Quite a lot of companies give out free meters and test strips and such, I'll have a blog post about that once I figure more out about it. These supplies aren't cheap, so I'm happy to try and help anyone who is looking for them too.
16. When your fingers are cold, they don't bleed.
17. I need to watch what I'm saying in public, telling some one 'I'm high' tends to give me lots of strange looks.

Alright, I'm stopping at seventeen. A good, solid odd number. I'm also failing at more tips to remember so that's it for today! Short and sweet, kind of.


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1 comment:

  1. Careful with the sugar free stuff.. **MAY CAUSE LAXATIVE EFFECT** I keep my blood sugar in a normal range and I eat everything normal. Not gonna lie, they really have no clue what that stuff does to you yet and I definitely don't need diabetes and some other disease...


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